Choose Life

Trigger warning: Extensive discussion of suicidal thoughts Fighting depression and chronic illness takes strength, and my friends try to tell me this every day. I have nodded and smiled and thanked them for their kind words, but it never seemed to stick, but the truth is every day you fight an illness like depression, or anxiety, or chronic illnesses or chronic pain, is a day that you are strong.

I’m Not Through The Night.

Trigger Warning: Mention of Eating Disorders. The other night, I was listening to Pandora Radio and a song came up that caught my attention. Courage by Superchick. If you read my last post, you will know that music means a lot to me. Songs, especially ones with powerful messages, just resonate with me so much and they often express how I feel when I don’t know what to say. This particular song deals with eating disorders and self-image. While I do not personally struggle with these things, I feel for all those who do. Even so, the words struck a chord in my heart. I often listen to songs without really listening to the messages they are declaring, but I am glad I listened to this one. The message is the one that we are saying: you are not alone...

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