Perfect World

Perhaps you've thought of a perfect world, painted it in your head and wished you could live in it from time to time. While I'm sure you and I are very different people, I'm willing to bet our perfect worlds aren't all that different.

#13reasonswhyimhappy -Bulletproof

The blogger terrymcnude from the blog Virtual Vomit started a lovely blog challenge called '13 Reasons Why I'm Happy' in response to the show 13 Reasons Why. They asked others to partake, so here is my go at it.

Dear Best Friend

Dear Best Friend,   How long has it been since we spoke? 189 days. What a ridiculous number that is, staring me in the face. My life has totally changed in that time, Best Friend, but no matter what changes one thing never has. I think about you every day, I miss you every day,... Continue Reading →

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