You Left.

Trigger warning: This post contains an extensive discussion of cheating and divorce as well as several instances of strong language. I remember a time when I stood up for you, mother dear.  You had worked long hours on a concrete floor, and your fibromyalgia had flared up so badly you had collapsed into bed.  I... Continue Reading →

You Are Not There

Trigger Warning: This post contains an extensive discussion of abuse and a moderate discussion of anorexia, as well as a brief mention of pornography and rape. 

Oh, My Soul

My soul is cold. See, I want to rest my head on your shoulder As if you were mine (like nothing is mine), Because I loved hearing my mother’s heart beat— It was evidence that she had one.


He arrives home from work still wearing his grease covered uniform, having completed yet another long day working underneath a tractor trailer.  He isn't smiling, but I know that's from the fatigue.  He works so hard to take care of Precious and me.  We both greet him as he heads to the dining room table... Continue Reading →

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