Hello, I’m Agnostic.

Today I told my father I am an agnostic. To that, he said that technically, by the definition of agnosticism, I've been an agnostic for a long time.  He's right in that department, of course.  I questioned my faith for so long before stepping outside it and accepting this label. Agnostic. It still feels strange. ... Continue Reading →

i don’t know

someone help me please someone help me because i can’t think straight anymore pieces of my soul break away break apart pain clouds my mind and i don’t know what’s real and what’s a lie someone help me because the things i used to be sure of i’m not what surety can there be when... Continue Reading →


You probably already know that I love writing.  I've been writing on this blog for several months, using one of my favorite things in the world to show others that they're not alone.  I've been writing in general since I was little, writing my first fanfiction when I was six and my first novel when I was... Continue Reading →

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