
  My fingers bleed words, thin trickles of black ink that drip down and stain blue jeans. I cannot stop, my mind is racing searching grasping in thin air. My throat is dry and cracked. I try to funnel the ink onto paper but it’s too hard to control. The room is dark with the... Continue Reading →


You are too kind to the monsters, self, too kind to their sins. They have teeth to eat you up; you feed them tea and crumpets. Do not go with them.

Sit in the sun.

Trigger warning: mentions of depression   Self-care: a poem.   Sit in the sun. Let the warm rays of yellow thaw out your cold bones and melt your frozen heart. Let the light seep into your darkened mind. Let it show you how bright the world can be. Watch as it pierces the shadows. Watch... Continue Reading →

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