
You are too kind to the monsters, self, too kind to their sins. They have teeth to eat you up; you feed them tea and crumpets. Do not go with them.

Road Trip

Tires on the road, you are regressing, self, to the self you were before you woke. Nerves taut in your body, nerves snapping. All your atoms, every cell in your brain, pretending death in hopes of safety.

You Are Not There

Trigger Warning: This post contains an extensive discussion of abuse and a moderate discussion of anorexia, as well as a brief mention of pornography and rape. 

Independence Day

In America, July Fourth celebrates the day that us misbehaving Colonists decided we'd had enough of being bossed around and unfairly represented, and we were going to be our own bosses now thankyouverymuch.

In Defense Of Boys

I'm so disheartened and horrified by all the places and people I see promoting the idea that boys, especially teenage boys, are slimy scum just waiting to mess with the innocent girls who pass their way. It's not just the media, it's not just Facebook and Tumblr. I hear this from people around me. I hear this from parents of boys. I hear this from parents of girls. I hear this in church, I hear this at boys' groups, I hear this at girls' groups. I read this in books and see it in movies. As a innocent girl who fell into one boy's trap, I feel like I have the right to say this: Not all boys are like that.


You probably already know that I love writing.  I've been writing on this blog for several months, using one of my favorite things in the world to show others that they're not alone.  I've been writing in general since I was little, writing my first fanfiction when I was six and my first novel when I was... Continue Reading →

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